In Chapter 22, we introduced the notion of presenters. Presenters are a form of the Humble Object pattern, which helps us identify and protect architectural boundaries. Actually, the Clean Architecture in the last chapter was full of Humble Object implementations.

在第 22 章中,我们引入了展示器(presenter)的概念,展示器实际上是采用谦卑对象(humble object)模式的一种形式,这种设计模式可以很好地帮助识别和系统架构的边界。事实上,第 22 章所介绍的整洁架构中就充满了大量谦卑对象的实现体。


The Humble Object pattern1 is a design pattern that was originally identified as a way to help unit testers to separate behaviors that are hard to test from behaviors that are easy to test. The idea is very simple: Split the behaviors into two modules or classes. One of those modules is humble; it contains all the hard-to-test behaviors stripped down to their barest essence. The other module contains all the testable behaviors that were stripped out of the humble object.

谦卑对象模式最初的设计目的是帮助单元测试的编写者区分容易测试的行为与难以测试的行为,并将它们隔离。其设计思路非常简单,就是将这两类行为拆分成两组模块或类。其中一组模块被称为谦卑(Humble)组,包含了系统中所有难以 测试的行为,而这些行为已经被简化到不能再简化了。另一组模块则包含了所有不属于谦卑对象的行为。

For example, GUIs are hard to unit test because it is very difficult to write tests that can see the screen and check that the appropriate elements are displayed there. However, most of the behavior of a GUI is, in fact, easy to test. Using the Humble Object pattern, we can separate these two kinds of behaviors into two different classes called the Presenter and the View.

例如,GUI 通常是很难进行单元测试的,因为让计算机自行检视屏幕内容,并检查指定元素是否出现是非常难的事情。然而,GUI 中的大部分行为实际上是很容易被测试的。这时候,我们就可以利用谦卑对象模式将 GUI 的这两种行为拆分成展示器与视图两部分。


The View is the humble object that is hard to test. The code in this object is kept as simple as possible. It moves data into the GUI but does not process that data.

视图部分属于难以测试的谦卑对象。这种对象的代码通常应该越简单越好,它只应负责将数据填充到 GUI 上,而不应该对数据进行任何处理。

The Presenter is the testable object. Its job is to accept data from the application and format it for presentation so that the View can simply move it to the screen. For example, if the application wants a date displayed in a field, it will hand the Presenter a Date object. The Presenter will then format that data into an appropriate string and place it in a simple data structure called the View Model, where the View can find it.

展示器则是可测试的对象。展示器的工作是负责从应用程序中接收数据,然后按视图的需要将这些数据格式化,以便视图将其呈现在屏幕上。例如,如果应用程序需要在屏幕上展示一个日期,那么它传递给展示器的应该是一个 Date 对象。然后展示器会将该对象格式化成所需的字符串形式,并将其填充到视图模型中。

If the application wants to display money on the screen, it might pass a Currency object to the Presenter. The Presenter will format that object with the appropriate decimal places and currency markers, creating a string that it can place in the View Model. If that currency value should be turned red if it is negative, then a simple boolean flag in the View model will be set appropriately.

如果应用程序需要在屏幕上展示金额,那么它应该将 Currency 对象传递给展示器。展示器随后会将这个对象按所需的小数位数进行格式化,并加上对应的货币标识符,形成一个字符串存放在视图模型中。如果需要将负数金额显示成红色,那么该视图模型中就应该有一个简单的布尔值被恰当地设置。

Every button on the screen will have a name. That name will be a string in the View Model, placed there by the presenter. If those buttons should be grayed out, the Presenter will set an appropriate boolean flag in the View model. Every menu item name is a string in the View model, loaded by the Presenter. The names for every radio button, check box, and text field are loaded, by the Presenter, into appropriate strings and booleans in the View model. Tables of numbers that should be displayed on the screen are loaded, by the Presenter, into tables of properly formatted strings in the View model.


Anything and everything that appears on the screen, and that the application has some kind of control over, is represented in the View Model as a string, or a boolean, or an enum. Nothing is left for the View to do other than to load the data from the View Model into the screen. Thus the View is humble.



It has long been known that testability is an attribute of good architectures. The Humble Object pattern is a good example, because the separation of the behaviors into testable and non-testable parts often defines an architectural boundary. The Presenter/View boundary is one of these boundaries, but there are many others.



Between the use case interactors and the database are the database gateways.2 These gateways are polymorphic interfaces that contain methods for every create, read, update, or delete operation that can be performed by the application on the database. For example, if the application needs to know the last names of all the users who logged in yesterday, then the UserGateway interface will have a method named getLastNamesOfUsersWhoLoggedInAfter that takes a Date as its argument and returns a list of last names.

对于用例交互(interactor)与数据库中间的组件,我们通常称之为数据库网关。这些数据库网关本身是一个多态接口,包含了应用程序在数据库上所要执行的创建、读取、更新、删除等所有操作。例如,如果应用程序需要知道所有昨天登录系统的用户姓,那么 UserGateway 接口就应该包含一个 getLastNamesOfUsersWhoLoggedlnAfter 方法,接收一个 Date 参数,并返回一个包含姓的列表。

Recall that we do not allow SQL in the use cases layer; instead, we use gateway interfaces that have appropriate methods. Those gateways are implemented by classes in the database layer. That implementation is the humble object. It simply uses SQL, or whatever the interface to the database is, to access the data required by each of the methods. The interactors, in contrast, are not humble because they encapsulate application-specific business rules. Although they are not humble, those interactors are testable, because the gateways can be replaced with appropriate stubs and test-doubles.

另外,我们之前说过,SQL 不应该出现在用例层的代码中,所以这部分的功能就需要通过网关接口来提供,而这些接口的实现则要由数据库层的类来负责。显然,这些实现也应该都属于谦卑对象,它们应该只利用 SQL 或其他数据库提供的接口来昉问所需要的数据。与之相反,交互器则不属于谦卑对象,因为它们封装的是特定应用场景下的业务逻辑。不过,交互器尽管不属于谦卑对象,却是可测试的,因为数据库网关通常可以被替换成对应的测试桩和测试替身类。


Going back to the topic of databases, in which layer do you think ORMs like Hibernate belong?

让我们继续数据库方面的话题,现在我们来思考一下 Hibernate 这类的 ORM 框架应该属于系统架构中的哪一层呢?

First, let’s get something straight: There is no such thing as an object relational mapper (ORM). The reason is simple: Objects are not data structures. At least, they are not data structures from their users’ point of view. The users of an object cannot see the data, since it is all private. Those users see only the public methods of that object. So, from the user’s point of view, an object is simply a set of operations.


A data structure, in contrast, is a set of public data variables that have no implied behavior. ORMs would be better named “data mappers,” because they load data into data structures from relational database tables.

与之相反,数据结构体则是一组公开的数据变量其中不包含任何行为信息。所以 ORM 更应该被称为“数据映射器”,因为它们只是将数据从关系型数据库加载到了对应的数据结构中。

Where should such ORM systems reside? In the database layer of course. Indeed, ORMs form another kind of Humble Object boundary between the gateway interfaces and the database.

那么,这样的 ORM 系统应该属于系统架构中的哪一层呢?当然是数据库层。ORM 其实就是在数据库和数据库网关之间构建了另一种谦卑对象的边界。


What about services? If your application must communicate with other services, or if your application provides a set of services, will we find the Humble Object pattern creating a service boundary?


Of course! The application will load data into simple data structures and then pass those structures across the boundary to modules that properly format the data and send it to external services. On the input side, the service listeners will receive data from the service interface and format it into a simple data structure that can be used by the application. That data structure is then passed across the service boundary.



At each architectural boundary, we are likely to find the Humble Object pattern lurking somewhere nearby. The communication across that boundary will almost always involve some kind of simple data structure, and the boundary will frequently divide something that is hard to test from something that is easy to test. The use of this pattern at architectural boundaries vastly increases the testability of the entire system.
