If we are going to divide our application into business rules and plugins, we’d better get a good grasp on just what business rules actually are. It turns out there are several different kinds.
Strictly speaking, business rules are rules or procedures that make or save the business money. Very strictly speaking, these rules would make or save the business money, irrespective of whether they were implemented on a computer. They would make or save money even if they were executed manually.
The fact that a bank charges N% interest for a loan is a business rule that makes the bank money. It doesn’t matter if a computer program calculates the interest, or if a clerk with an abacus calculates the interest.
例如,银张行要对借贷收取 N% 利息这个逻辑就是银行获取收入方面的一条业务逻辑,对它来说,我们通过计算机来计算利息,还是让一个银行职员用计算器来计算利息并不重要。
We shall call these rules Critical Business Rules, because they are critical to the business itself, and would exist even if there were no system to automate them.
Critical Business Rules usually require some data to work with. For example, our loan requires a loan balance, an interest rate, and a payment schedule.
We shall call this data Critical Business Data. This is the data that would exist even if the system were not automated.
The critical rules and critical data are inextricably bound, so they are a good candidate for an object. We’ll call this kind of object an Entity.1
An Entity is an object within our computer system that embodies a small set of critical business rules operating on Critical Business Data. The Entity object either contains the Critical Business Data or has very easy access to that data. The interface of the Entity consists of the functions that implement the Critical Business Rules that operate on that data.
For example, Figure 20.1 shows what our Loan entity might look like as a class in UML. It has three pieces of Critical Business Data, and presents three related Critical Business Rules at its interface.
例如,在图 20.1 中,我们看到的是一个对应于借贷业务的实体类 Loan 的 UML 图。如你所见,该类中包含了三个关键业务数据,以及三个代表了其关键业务逻辑的接口。
图 20-1: Loan entity as a class in UML
When we create this kind of class, we are gathering together the software that implements a concept that is critical to the business, and separating it from every other concern in the automated system we are building. This class stands alone as a representative of the business. It is unsullied with concerns about databases, user interfaces, or third-party frameworks. It could serve the business in any system, irrespective of how that system was presented, or how the data was stored, or how the computers in that system were arranged. The Entity is pure business and nothing else.
Some of you may be concerned that I called it a class. Don’t be. You don’t need to use an object-oriented language to create an Entity. All that is required is that you bind the Critical Business Data and the Critical Business Rules together in a single and separate software module.
Not all business rules are as pure as Entities. Some business rules make or save money for the business by defining and constraining the way that an automated system operates. These rules would not be used in a manual environment, because they make sense only as part of an automated system.
For example, imagine an application that is used by bank officers to create a new loan. The bank may decide that it does not want the loan officers to offer loan payment estimates until they have first gathered, and validated, contact information and ensured that the candidate’s credit score is 500 or higher. For this reason, the bank may specify that the system will not proceed to the payment estimation screen until the contact information screen has been filled out and verified, and the credit score has been confirmed to be greater than the cutoff.
例如,假设我们现在有一个银行职员们用来新建借贷的应用程序,银行可能设计的业务逻辑是,银行职员必须首先收集、验证客户的联系信息,确保客户的信用值在 500 以上,然后才允许向用户提供借贷还款的预估值。因此,银行就必须要求在设计其计算机系统时确保两件事:首先,客户必须能通过屏幕填写所有的联系信息并且让其通过相关验证;其次,客户只有在其信用值大于既定阈值时才能进入还款预估页。
This is a use case.2 A use case is a description of the way that an automated system is used. It specifies the input to be provided by the user, the output to be returned to the user, and the processing steps involved in producing that output. A use case describes application-specific business rules as opposed to the Critical Business Rules within the Entities.
我们在上面所描述的就是一个用例(user case)。用例本质上就是关于如何操作一个自动化系统的描述,它定义了用户需要提供的输入数据、用户应该得到的输出信息以及产生输出所应该采取的处理步骤。当然,用例所描述的是某种特定应用情景下的业务逻辑,它并非业务实体中所包含的关键业务逻辑。
Figure 20.2 shows an example of a use case. Notice that in the last line it mentions the Customer. This is a reference to the Customer entity, which contains the Critical Business Rules that govern the relationship between the bank and its customers.
下面,让我们来看看图 20.2 中的这个用例。请注意,图 20.2 的最后一行中提到的“客户”,这里的客户是指代表客户的业务实体,其中包含了处理银行与客户之间关系的关键业务逻辑。
图 20-2: Example use case
Use cases contain the rules that specify how and when the Critical Business Rules within the Entities are invoked. Use cases control the dance of the Entities.
Notice also that the use case does not describe the user interface other than to informally specify the data coming in from that interface, and the data going back out through that interface. From the use case, it is impossible to tell whether the application is delivered on the web, or on a thick client, or on a console, or is a pure service.
除此之外,这里还应该注意,用例除非正式地描述了数据流入/流出接口以外,并不详细描述用户界面。也就是说,如果我们只看用例,是没有办法分辨出系统是在 Web 平台上交付的,还是交付了某种常客门端;或后是以命令行模式交付的,还是以一个内部服务模式交付的。
This is very important. Use cases do not describe how the system appears to the user. Instead, they describe the application-specific rules that govern the interaction between the users and the Entities. How the data gets in and out of the system is irrelevant to the use cases.
A use case is an object. It has one or more functions that implement the application-specific business rules. It also has data elements that include the input data, the output data, and the references to the appropriate Entities with which it interacts.
Entities have no knowledge of the use cases that control them. This is another example of the direction of the dependencies following the Dependency Inversion Principle. High-level concepts, such as Entities, know nothing of lower-level concepts, such as use cases. Instead, the lower-level use cases know about the higher-level Entities.
Why are Entities high level and use cases lower level? Because use cases are specific to a single application and, therefore, are closer to the inputs and outputs of that system. Entities are generalizations that can be used in many different applications, so they are farther from the inputs and outputs of the system. Use cases depend on Entities; Entities do not depend on use cases.
Use cases expect input data, and they produce output data. However, a well-formed use case object should have no inkling about the way that data is communicated to the user, or to any other component. We certainly don’t want the code within the use case class to know about HTML or SQL!
在通常情况下,用例会接收输入数据,并产生输出数据。但在一个设计良好的架构中,用例对象通常不应该知道数据展现给用户或者其他组件的方式。很显然我们当然不会希望这些用例类中的代码出现 HTML 和 SQL。
The use case class accepts simple request data structures for its input, and returns simple response data structures as its output. These data structures are not dependent on anything. They do not derive from standard framework interfaces such as HttpRequest and HttpResponse. They know nothing of the web, nor do they share any of the trappings of whatever user interface might be in place.
因此,用例类所接收的输入应该是一个简单的请求性数据结构,而返回输出的应该是一个简单的响应性数据结构。这些数据结构中不应该存在任何依赖关系,它们并不派生自 HttpRequest 和 HttpRespons 这样的标准框架接口。这些数据接口应该与 Web 无关,也不应该了解任何有关用户界面的细节。
This lack of dependencies is critical. If the request and response models are not independent, then the use cases that depend on them will be indirectly bound to whatever dependencies the models carry with them.
You might be tempted to have these data structures contain references to Entity objects. You might think this makes sense because the Entities and the request/response models share so much data. Avoid this temptation! The purpose of these two objects is very different. Over time they will change for very different reasons, so tying them together in any way violates the Common Closure and Single Responsibility Principles. The result would be lots of tramp data, and lots of conditionals in your code.
Business rules are the reason a software system exists. They are the core functionality. They carry the code that makes, or saves, money. They are the family jewels.
The business rules should remain pristine, unsullied by baser concerns such as the user interface or database used. Ideally, the code that represents the business rules should be the heart of the system, with lesser concerns being plugged in to them. The business rules should be the most independent and reusable code in the system.