Components are the units of deployment. They are the smallest entities that can be deployed as part of a system. In Java, they are jar files. In Ruby, they are gem files. In .Net, they are DLLs. In compiled languages, they are aggregations of binary files. In interpreted languages, they are aggregations of source files. In all languages, they are the granule of deployment.
组件是软件的部署单元,是整个软件系统在部署过程中可以独立完成部署的最小实体。例如,对于 Java 来说,它的组件是阿文件。而在 Ruby 中,它们是 gem 文件。在 .Net 中,它们则是 DLL 文件。总而言之,在编译运行语言中,组件是一组二进制文件的集合。而在解释运行语言中,组件则是一组源代码文件的集合。无论术用什么编程语言来开发软件,组件都是该软件在部署过程中的最小单元。
Components can be linked together into a single executable. Or they can be aggregated together into a single archive, such as a .war file. Or they can be independently deployed as separate dynamically loaded plugins, such as.jar or .dll or .exe files. Regardless of how they are eventually deployed, well-designed components always retain the ability to be independently deployable and, therefore, independently developable.
In the early years of software development, programmers controlled the memory location and layout of their programs. One of the first lines of code in a program would be the origin statement, which declared the address at which the program was to be loaded.
Consider the following simple PDP-8 program. It consists of a subroutine named GETSTR that inputs a string from the keyboard and saves it in a buffer. It also has a little unit test program to exercise GETSTR.
例如下面这段简单的 PDP-8 程序。该程序中包含一段名为 GETSTR 的子程序,作用是从键盘上读取一个字符串,并将其存入缓冲区。同时,该程序中还包含一段用于测试 GETSTR 功能的单元测试。
BUFR, 3000
JMP -1
AND K177
K177, 177
MCR, -15
Note the *200
command at the start of this program. It tells the compiler to generate code that will be loaded at address 2008.
首先,程序开头的头 200 命令告诉编译器生成后的代码应该加载到内存地址为 200(八进制)的位置。
This kind of programming is a foreign concept for most programmers today. They rarely have to think about where a program is loaded in the memory of the computer. But in the early days, this was one of the first decisions a programmer needed to make. In those days, programs were not relocatable.
How did you access a library function in those olden days? The preceding code illustrates the approach used. Programmers included the source code of the library functions with their application code, and compiled them all as a single program.1 Libraries were kept in source, not in binary.
The problem with this approach was that, during this era, devices were slow and memory was expensive and, therefore, limited. Compilers needed to make several passes over the source code, but memory was too limited to keep all the source code resident. Consequently, the compiler had to read in the source code several times using the slow devices.
This took a long time—and the larger your function library, the longer the compiler took. Compiling a large program could take hours.
To shorten the compile times, programmers separated the source code of the function library from the applications. They compiled the function library separately and loaded the binary at a known address—say, 20008. They created a symbol table for the function library and compiled that with their application code. When they wanted to run an application, they would load the binary function library,2 and then load the application. Memory looked like the layout shown in Figure 12.1.
为了缩短编译时间,程序员们改将库函数的源代码单独编译。而库函数的源码在单独编译后会被加载到一个指定位置,比如地址 2000(八进制)。然后,编译器会针对该库文件创建一个符号表(symbol table),并将其和应用程序代码编译在一起。当程序运行时,它会先加载二进制形式的库文件,再加载编译过的应用程序,其内存布局如图 12.1 所示。
图 12-1: Early memory layout
This worked fine so long as the application could fit between addresses 00008 and 17778. But soon applications grew to be larger than the space allotted for them. At that point, programmers had to split their applications into two address segments, jumping around the function library (Figure 12.2).
当然,只要应用程序的代码能够完全存放在地址 0000~1777(八进制)内,这种组织方式就没有任何问题。但是,应用程序代码的大小很快就会超出这个范围。为了解决这个问题,程序员们必须将应用程序代码切分成两个不同的地址段,以跳过库函数存放的内存范围(具体如图 12.2 所示)。
图 12-2: Splitting the application into two address segments
Obviously, this was not a sustainable situation. As programmers added more functions to the function library, it exceeded its bounds, and they had to allocate more space for it (in this example, near 70008). This fragmentation of programs and libraries necessarily continued as computer memory grew.
显然,这也不是长久之计。因为随着函数库中函数的增加,它的大小也随之增加,我们同样也需要为此划分新的区域,譬如在上述例子中,我们需在 7000(八进制)左右的位置往后追加地址空间。这样一来,程序和函数库的碎片化程度会随着计算机内存的增加而不断增加。
Clearly, something had to be done.
The solution was relocatable binaries. The idea behind them was very simple. The compiler was changed to output binary code that could be relocated in memory by a smart loader. The loader would be told where to load the relocatable code. The relocatable code was instrumented with flags that told the loader which parts of the loaded data had to be altered to be loaded at the selected address. Usually this just meant adding the starting address to any memory reference addresses in the binary.
Now the programmer could tell the loader where to load the function library, and where to load the application. In fact, the loader would accept several binary inputs and simply load them in memory one right after the other, relocating them as it loaded them. This allowed programmers to load only those functions that they needed.
The compiler was also changed to emit the names of the functions as metadata in the relocatable binary. If a program called a library function, the compiler would emit that name as an external reference. If a program defined a library function, the compiler would emit that name as an external definition. Then the loader could link the external references to the external definitions once it had determined where it had loaded those definitions.
除此之外,程序员们还对编译器做了另外一个修改,就是在可重定位二进制文 件中将函数名输出为元数据并存储起来。这样一来,如果一段程序调用了某个库函数,编译器就会将这个函数的名字输出为外部引用(external reference),而将库函数的定义输出为外部定义(external definition)。加载器在加载完程序后,会将外部 引用和外部定义链接(link)起来。
And the linking loader was born.
这就是链接加载器(linking loader)的由来。
The linking loader allowed programmers to divide their programs up onto separately compilable and loadable segments. This worked well when relatively small programs were being linked with relatively small libraries. However, in the late 1960s and early 1970s, programmers got more ambitious, and their programs got a lot bigger.
链接加载器让程序员们可以将程序切分成多个可被分别编译、加载的程序段。在程序规模较小、外部链接也较少的情况,这个方案一直都很好用。然而在 20 世纪 60 年代末期到 70 年代初期的那段时间里,程序的规模突然有了大幅的增长,情况就有所不同了。
Eventually, the linking loaders were too slow to tolerate. Function libraries were stored on slow devices such a magnetic tape. Even the disks, back then, were quite slow. Using these relatively slow devices, the linking loaders had to read dozens, if not hundreds, of binary libraries to resolve the external references. As programs grew larger and larger, and more library functions accumulated in libraries, a linking loader could take more than an hour just to load the program.
Eventually, the loading and the linking were separated into two phases. Programmers took the slow part—the part that did that linking—and put it into a separate application called the linker. The output of the linker was a linked relocatable that a relocating loader could load very quickly. This allowed programmers to prepare an executable using the slow linker, but then they could load it quickly, at any time.
Then came the 1980s. Programmers were working in C or some other high-level language. As their ambitions grew, so did their programs. Programs that numbered hundreds of thousands of lines of code were not unusual.
时间继续推移到了 20 世纪 80 年代,程序员们在那时己经用上了 C 这样的高级编程语言,程序的规模也得到了进一步的扩大,源代码行数超过几十万行在当时己经是很普遍的事了。
Source modules were compiled from .c files into .o files, and then fed into the linker to create executable files that could be quickly loaded. Compiling each individual module was relatively fast, but compiling all the modules took a bit of time. The linker would then take even more time. Turnaround had again grown to an hour or more in many cases.
于是,源代码模块会从 .c 文件被编译成 .o 文件,然后再由链接器创建出可被快速加载的可执行文件。那时,虽然编译每个单独模块的速度相对较快,但所有模块的累计编译时间较长,链接过程则耗时更久,整个修改编译周期经常会超过数个小时。
It seemed as if programmers were doomed to endlessly chase their tails. Throughout the 1960s, 1970s, and 1980s, all the changes made to speed up workflow were thwarted by programmers’ ambitions, and the size of the programs they wrote. They could not seem to escape from the hour-long turnaround times. Loading time remained fast, but compile-link times were the bottleneck.
有时候,程序员们看上去似乎就是一直不停地在原地打转。从 20 世纪 60 年代一直到 80 年代,他们所有为提供编译速度所做的努力都被不断增长的程序规模抵消了。程序员好像永远也脱离不了长达几个小时的修改编译周期。程序加载的速度一直都很快,但是其编译和链接的过程也一直是整个开发过程的瓶颈。
We were, of course, experiencing Murphy’s law of program size:
Programs will grow to fill all available compile and link time.
But Murphy was not the only contender in town. Along came Moore,3 and in the late 1980s, the two battled it out. Moore won that battle. Disks started to shrink and got significantly faster. Computer memory started to get so ridiculously cheap that much of the data on disk could be cached in RAM. Computer clock rates increased from 1 MHz to 100 MHz.
除了墨菲定律,我们还存摩尔定律。在 20 世纪 80 年代,两个定律一直在互相较量,最终以摩尔定律获胜告终。因为磁盘的物理尺寸一直在不断缩小,速度也在不断提高,同时内存的造价也一直在不断降低,以至于大部分存放在磁盘上的数据可以被缓存在内存中了。而计算机时钟频率则从 1 MHz 上升到了 100 MHz。
By the mid-1990s, the time spent linking had begun to shrink faster than our ambitions could make programs grow. In many cases, link time decreased to a matter of seconds. For small jobs, the idea of a linking loader became feasible again.
到了 20 世纪 90 年代中期,链接速度的提升速度已经远远超过了程序规模的增长速度。在大部分情况下,程序链接的时间已经降低到秒级。这对一些小程序来说.即使使用链接加载器也是可以接受的了。
This was the era of Active-X, shared libraries, and the beginnings of .jar files. Computers and devices had gotten so fast that we could, once again, do the linking at load time. We could link together several .jar files, or several shared libraries in a matter of seconds, and execute the resulting program. And so the component plugin architecture was born.
与此同时,编程领域中还诞生了 Active-X、共享库、.jar 文件等组件形式:由于计算与存储速度的大幅提高,我们又可以在加载过程中进行实时链接了,链接几个 .jar 文件或是共享库文件通常只需要几秒钟时间,由此,插件化架构也就随生了。
Today we routinely ship .jar files or DLLs or shared libraries as plugins to existing applications. If you want to create a mod to Minecraft, for example, you simply include your custom .jar files in a certain folder. If you want to plug ReSharper into Visual Studio, you simply include the appropriate DLLs.
如今,我们用 .jar 文件、DLL 文件和共享库方式来部署应用的插件已经非常司空见惯了。如果现在我们想要给 Minecraft 增加一个模块,只需要将 .jar 文件放到一个指定的目录中即可。同样的,如果你想给 Visual Studio 增加 ReSharper 插件,也只需要安装对应的 DLL 文件即可。
These dynamically linked files, which can be plugged together at runtime, are the software components of our architectures. It has taken 50 years, but we have arrived at a place where component plugin architecture can be the casual default as opposed to the herculean effort it once was.
我们常常会在程序运行时插入某些动态链接文件,这些动态链接文件所使用的就是软件架构中的组件概念。在经历了 50 年的演进之后,组件化的插件式架构己经成为我们习以为常的软件构建形式了。